Research Topics

- Hybrid and Integrated RF System
     - High Stabilized RF Systems
     - Flexible and Tuned RF  Systems
     - Multimode, Multi-band RF Systems
     - Multifunctional RF Systems
     - RF Systems for Wireless Body Area Network
     - RF Systems for Ultra Wideband
     - RF Systems for Ultra Narrowband

- Minimized Antenna/Intenna/Rectenna System
     - Tunable Small Antenna
     - Muitiband Intenna
     - High-Conversion Efficiency Rectenna
     - Wideband Small Antenna
     - Antenna for Wireless SiP(Package)
     - Antenna for Wireless SoT(Textile)

- RF Calibration and Control System
     - Compensation of non-linear characteristics
     - Compensation of  frequency variations
     - Compensation of  power reference
     - Compensation of  temperature
     - Channel to Channel RF isolation
     - Interference Cancellation
     - Low Power Consumption
     - RF radiation Interferenc